Become a Board Member

About Us

Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance is a non-profit organization that simply advocates for right of center economic, fiscal and good government issues. We are permitted to educate residents, media and key stake holders on issues that concern us like common sense economic solutions and practical reforms.


-Help facilitate the overall mission of the organization as a right of center economic, fiscal and good government organization. Help develop the organization’s mission through input and key areas of concern that board members have an interest in.

-Attend regularly scheduled meetings.

-Members may join at any time during the year and be re-elected during the annual membership meeting.


-Use your personal resources in ways in which could affect the direction of our state.

-Get to personally know many of the founders and key people in the economic conservative movement in Massachusetts.

-Complimentary Chairman’s Circle membership on the Advisory Committee.

Getting Started

Please contact Paul D. Craney by clicking here to learn more or to express your interest.


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